I'm so glad you found me! I'm a San Francisco photographer, and this blog charts my journey in the ever-evolving world of photography. One of the things I love about photography is that it's a journey, not a destination. I'm constantly learning and meeting wonderful people. Please peruse the blog to your heart's content, then check out my website and feel free to contact me! (I love hearing from you.)

“Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow." – Imogen Cunningham

“A portrait is not made in the camera but on either side of it.” – Edward Steichen

Photoshop's 20th Anniversary

My week was a little more exciting than usual, in that on Thursday I had the chance to attend Photoshop's 20th Anniversary Celebration. It was a lot of fun! There were presentations from all the Photoshop Guys: Scott Kelby, Matt Kloskowski, Dave Cross, Corey Barker, Terry White. Julianne Kost also did two kick-ass presentations, and the highlight of the evening (for me) was Russell Brown's amazing multimedia presentation (I don't even know how he did it). I mean, truly multimedia. Two of the media were mustard (or ketchup, not sure) and bread. It also involved some toy cars and gorilla hands. Awesome! Plus a quick but not too quick jab at Steve Jobs (the word 'megalomaniac' may or may not have flashed across the screen).

Plus, I learned a few new things about Photoshop, and had some free wine and crackers, and ended up with a t-shirt that I will probably never wear until I have to paint the house. I'm not really a branded t-shirt kind of girl.

As is to be expected, everyone was taking pictures. And I felt no compunctions in grabbing this shot, as the lady turned her camera around next and took several close-up pictures of me, with flash! To what purpose? I can only guess. I saw her LCD screen, I was literally the only one in the shot.
Cell phone cameras were also heavily utilized. (Sorry for the narrow depth of field on this one, it was pretty dark in there.)
In addition, Adobe handed out 40 flash drives with a Photoshop 1.0 app for the iPhone. I didn't get one, to my dismay. Adobe, if you're reading this, I'll still accept one, ok?

For more blog posts on Photoshop's 20th Anniversary Celebration, see:

Scott Kelby's Post over at Photoshop Insider

Jim Goldstein's thoughts at his blog

And finally, check out video of the entire event on the NAPP website, here.


  1. Lucky you, I would have loved to attend that with you! I am sure you learned tons of new tips and saw the latest and greatest toys!

  2. I watched the streaming video online and can agree you witnessed an historic occasion. The multimedia event was amazing. Too bad about missing out on the app...

  3. How cool!!! Now it's my turn to be jealous. Sounds like an awesome event. I'm sure you picked up lots of little tidbits that make a difference. Wonder what that app's going to be like.


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