I'm so glad you found me! I'm a San Francisco photographer, and this blog charts my journey in the ever-evolving world of photography. One of the things I love about photography is that it's a journey, not a destination. I'm constantly learning and meeting wonderful people. Please peruse the blog to your heart's content, then check out my website and feel free to contact me! (I love hearing from you.)

“Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow." – Imogen Cunningham

“A portrait is not made in the camera but on either side of it.” – Edward Steichen

Winter White

Every winter eager magazine writers give us this sage advice: winter is an excellent time to wear white. Usually, a whole outfit of unrelieved white. They accompany this with photos of impossibly beautiful girls jumping and running around in outfits of white in various indoor locations.

Now, I'm all for fun photo shoots and I don't think that photography needs to 100% represent reality - really! - but I think there might be reason why they don't do those photo shoots outside.

White clothes are really hard to keep clean!

Which is why I prefer my winter white in snow form. And over our Christmas holidays (yeah, I know I'm a little late blogging it!) we had all the winter white we ever wanted and more. Here are some photos of our Christmas break in Truckee, which was made even nicer by all the copious, fluffy white snow.

I love snow! And winter. And spring and summer. And oh, definitely fall  too . . . .

Recently . . .

I got chastised yesterday by Evan for not putting up a post in 10 days. That's kind of amusing in and of itself, because Evan probably only reads my blog about once every ten days, and so it was the first time he had noticed.

A friendly, fuzzy, healthy picture from a recent shoot. Just to make this post a bit less depressing. 

Well, internet, the thing is, I got a cold. And not really one of those warm fuzzy, oh-I've-just-got-a-cough-and-now-I-carry-some-extra-tissues colds. No, this one meant business. I had a fever on and off for probably five days (mostly on, unless I was taking fever reducing medicine) which just made me feel like sleeping all the time. And I did. Usually I can be semi-productive while sick, but this time it just didn't work. And then when the fever split I got laryngitis, where I could barely squeak for a couple of days. Now I'm better and I just sound like I've been a very heavy smoker for a few decades, plus I carry some extra tissues. Not much of a problem, really.

Except for the coughing. Once I started being able to speak, I stopped having the ability to be horizontal and not cough at the same time. Vertical? No problem. All day I barely cough. Lie down for a second? I'm going to need a throat replacement soon. And yet sleeping is still very important for cold recovery, and necessary for life in general, so I've been trying to figure out some kind of solution.

One thing that has helped is sleeping on the couch. This is not a reflection on Evan or our lovely bed (which really, is a great bed), it's just one of those unexplainable things. I cough less on the couch. Also, Mouse loves to sleep directly in front of my face, and she doesn't do that on the couch. So not inhaling cat hair helps. But still, 4 am is the witching hour for cold sufferers, and last night, when I couldn't stop coughing at 4 am (unless I sat up, at which point I couldn't sleep) I was desperate. And I remembered some vague reference to rum hot toddies and coughing.

So I got up and made myself a not-really-all-that delicious mixture of brandy, water, honey, and lemon juice and heated it all up in the microwave, and then downed it.

Somehow, it worked, and I slept like a baby afterwards. Drinking when I'm sick is not really my thing, let alone on the couch at four am by my lonesome, but anyway.

So, that's where I am now. How are y'all? Any cough remedies that grandma passed down to you? Because frankly, I think dextromethorphan doesn't do a thing. Except sound complicated, and taste pretty nasty. (Now that I do some research, maybe I should have just eaten some chocolate.)

(I promise, that's the last personal health post for a while. So you can come back tomorrow and I won't be bellyaching about my cough anymore. Cross my heart.)

Three on a Saturday

Lattes, that is. I mean, how else are you supposed to celebrate the weekend?

Excuse me while I run off and start organizing the closets.

Franzi - San Francisco Portrait Photographer

You've already met Franzi. But I wanted to share some of the rest of our session together.

Franzi came to me knowing what she wanted: she wanted an image that could work on a holiday card, with a recognizable San Francisco icon in the background, and enough space for a poem or a quote (she's a poetry fiend!). I love it when my clients know what they want, and it's really satisfying when we can work together to completely nail it.

Here's the front of the card that we ended up designing together. I just love that quote, and obviously it's so appropriate for the photo!

And here are a few more from the session.

Thanks so much Franzi! Hope you're enjoying the next adventures on your sabbatical!

Blue, Blue Skies

Sometimes the coldest days are the clear ones. When San Francisco is cozily blanketed in fog it might be chilly (and the chill does penetrate to the bone, if you're out in it long enough), but you don't get that frozen feeling.

Right about now, readers with snow on the ground are rolling their eyes. I feel you! I know. Snow seems colder, and technically it is. But some of the coldest-feeling days of my life I've spent here in San Francisco - days that shouldn't have been cold, and yet they still were.

All I'm saying, really, is that it's cold here. I've been wearing my warmest jackets. It's nice to feel a little like we have seasons here, when so often it feels like perpetual spring. And yet it won't be 'winter' much longer - the plum trees are starting to blossom.


Ok, it's time for some new resolutions. In 2012, I didn't do so badly. Here's a look at last year's resolutions: 

1. Travel to a new continent. Africa, baby! I'm really hoping. If not Africa, it's going to have to be South America. It's happening. I can feel it. Done and done! And I wish this could be a resolution every year.
2. Create and keep to a marketing schedule for Quotidian Photography. That's a big one, but it's important. Kind of. But if I'm honest, I didn't do nearly as much as I could have. So this one can't be considered completed. 
3. Walk to work (my teaching job) every day it's not raining. I've already been doing this so I know it's doable, but I'd like to make it a solid habit. It's about a 45 minute walk, and I feel so much better every day I do it. Well, I didn't do this every day, but it did happen a lot of days, and it's still part of the beginning of my daily routine, so check!
4. Give y'all a new photographic computer wallpaper every month. I've tried to make myself do this before and failed, but it's a new year, and a new me. It's happening! Well, no. Sorry. :)
5. Really do a self-portrait and post it on the blog every month. I'm so inspired by Gail Werner's. She does an amazing job, but most importantly, she does it. I aspire to be like her. I managed two months out of twelve, so no! And honestly, while I'd like to add this to my resolutions this year, I just don't think it's going to happen. 
6. I'd like to spend more time with friends. That's one of those things I've been trying to prioritize more, but I can always use an extra reminder. This one was a big success, not necessarily because it was a resolution, but because it was a value. My friends are awesome, and I'm so lucky to have them. And I want to continue to make time wherever I can for them. Because really, what else is it all about?

Three out of 6. That's 50%. On a test, I'd fail. But in life, I think I win. Because what did I get? Stronger relationships with my friends, an amazing once-in-a-lifetime travel experience, and some light exercise plus a good way for me to wake up each day. 

So, what's in store for 2013?? (Cue the drumroll . . . .) Sadly, probably no more new continents (although Evan and I would die to go to Antarctica, currently that's #1 on our list)

Well . . . 

1. I really want a new website. I've been working on the design, and it's slowly coming together, so hopefully it will be out of the gate by the end of January!

2. I also hate sitting at a computer, so I'm in the process of building a standing desk. They're said to lengthen your life, but what I really need is an energy boost and a break from sitting so much. I can't wait until it's done! I'm also hoping for this one for January.

3. I'd like to partner photographically with a few local businesses whose methods and aims I admire. Think local, sustainable, and beautiful. Anyone know a business that might be interested?

4. Eat only real food. Evan and I have been going in this direction (particularly recently, some of which I am really excited to share with you all), but I'm really looking to avoid processed foods, white sugar and white flour, and I want to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables all the time. Deliciously prepared, of course.

5. Visit somewhere I haven't been before. Evan and I don't have a trip planned this year (Africa kind of wore us out a bit) but we do want to travel. And tempting as it might be to go back to our familiar haunts, I always want to break new ground as well. So we'll see!

So that's it! Simple, but important. Steps to building a good life. What about you? Did you make resolutions? Do you believe in them? Do you have a good track record of keeping them?

Well, hello there

Well, hello there. How are you?

Sorry, I've been having what I think you might term a 'January slump.' Basically what it consists of is wishing I could sleep on the bed all day with the cats, instead of having to act like a normal human being and go outside, and to work and such, even though it's hibernation season. Don't worry, I'm still doing a pretty good impression of a functioning human being, but my impression of a blogger could be better.

Come on people! It's January. Let's take a nap. Mouse and Chee are totally down. In fact, they're already napping. We can just go and join them. Might not be a bad idea, considering our nation's huge sleep deficit and its likely side effects.

January's meant to be a time of renewal and reflection. It's a time to ponder the previous year and figure out how to make this new year even better. For some, that means resolutions. (I'll share mine with you all soon.) For some, that means choosing a word to act as a theme for the year. In 2011, my word was 'brave.' In 2012, I don't think I chose a word. For 2013 I'm still considering. I don't want to choose the wrong word. I think I'm leaning towards 'balance.' But I'm also pulled toward 'real.' So maybe I'll choose both.

I'm also thinking about starting something like a Happiness Project, just some way to stay accountable for the year with all my myriad goals. And myriad they are - I need to whittle them down to what's really feasible and what I really want to be doing.

I'll let you all know how it goes. Hopefully soon! Until then, here's a sneak peek at Chee's new favorite hideaway. It's all fun and games until somebody closes him in there unawares. I bet he'd get cold pretty fast!

Usually our fridge is much fuller - we were in the middle of cleaning it all out when he jumped in. 


Some More Film . . .

A post with more words coming soon, I promise. Maybe some New Year's resolutions too!

Sunset at Lake Malawi

A look back at 2012

Yeah. Have I mentioned yet that Africa was awesome?

Whew, what a year! 2012 was pretty amazing, all told. Evan and I got married in May (that was a big one!), we spent a month in Africa (another huge, life-altering event) and my photography business continues to grow, a trend that will hopefully just keep on going.

Not to say that this past year was perfect, oh no. We had a pretty serious health scare with Chee, which took months to resolve itself, and we are so incredibly lucky that it did. And there are definitely things I want to work on in the new year, like creating a coherent, cohesive feel for my blog, website, and packaging, and figuring out more ways to give back to my amazing clients.

Ways in which 2012 was awesome:
-Evan and I finally had our own, real place to live, with indoor plumbing and our own amazing kitchen!
-I started shooting film, which is its own journey. Still not sure whether it will become part of my business or remain a hobby, but I do love it.
-We went to mother-freakin AFRICA. For a WHOLE MONTH. Probably the most exciting thing that I've ever done, except for maybe, well, when...
-We got MARRIED. Quietly. Sweetly. Until the vodka started being poured . . . . This might be one of those huge life decisions, but it's one that I lost no sleep over at all. When something is right, you just know.

What I hope for 2013:
-A year that is just as amazing as 2012, where we do new things, cross new boundaries, and continue to broaden our horizons.
-To find a better, easier life balance between work and play. To work when I need to work, and then to step away from the computer and the camera and enjoy the heck out of the rest of my life.

What about you?? What are your goals, wishes, values for 2013? And as you look back, how was 2012?