I'm so glad you found me! I'm a San Francisco photographer, and this blog charts my journey in the ever-evolving world of photography. One of the things I love about photography is that it's a journey, not a destination. I'm constantly learning and meeting wonderful people. Please peruse the blog to your heart's content, then check out my website and feel free to contact me! (I love hearing from you.)

“Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow." – Imogen Cunningham

“A portrait is not made in the camera but on either side of it.” – Edward Steichen


Photos Evan and I took of each other on a walk in Tahoe - thereby incorporating three things I count as play. Also, please note that Evan was unable to move the grass so that it wasn't in front of his face. I take no responsibility for that. 

Inspired partly by the Happiness Project, and partly by the Shu Box, here are a few things that would qualify as play for me now. I feel like it's a really important moment when you finally realize and accept that it's ok if you don't enjoy exactly the same things as everyone else. And sometimes it's hard to understand why not everyone loves what you love to do.

Play, for me, is:
-taking photographs (duh!)
-processing photos (not as much, but still fun)
-going for a walk
-reading anything: a novel, the cereal box, a magazine left on the kitchen table, blog posts, the like . . .
-thinking about language
-board games that are language related: Boggle, Scrabble, Bananagrams, etc.
-knitting (I haven't for a few years now, but if I found myself with more hours in the day I still would)
-drinking coffee, especially with friends
-travel - that's a big one
-meeting cool new people
-having philosophical discussions
-singing in a chorus
-cooking a good dinner with a companion

Not play for me: team sports, competition, performing solo, computer programming, video/computer games, sudoku (but I do like crossword puzzles), cleaning (here, at least, I'm not alone)

So what about you? What do you consider play and not play? I'd be interested to hear.


  1. Play :) (some same as yours)
    reading anything, anything really, even if it's in a language that I don't know in which case I'm trying to guess the meaning ;)
    having my head full of stories and telling them to myself before falling asleep :)
    traveling and just inhaling new places/sounds/smells no matter how scruffy or weird
    playing guitar or piano, especially next to the bonfire on the beach (guitar that is)
    walking, hiking
    singing (mostly to myself these days)
    dancing, just freely breaking into dance
    going to good concerts
    watching someone else cook for me, or cooking alone with loud music when no one is around
    making earrings and jewellery in general - no matter how abhorrent or simple
    having good heated discussions and sharing silence with old good friends
    meeting new inspiring people, especially in the accidental and unexpected ways
    sitting silently and watching the world go by
    observing things closely
    observing human emotions closely
    trying to figure out some software related stuff on the computer - could be fun!
    cleaning when it's really dirty and I have lots of energy to spend (only then but it is fun then!)
    being hugged
    finding out new movies or books that move me and relishing those moments of pure excitement!

    Not play? ... lots of other things but I think like you pointed out, a lot of those that include competition and team sports stuff :)

  2. Those are some great ones Lims. (By the way, I checked out your blog and it's awesome.) You're quite lucky to be able to watch someone else cooking for you! I also love sitting and watching the world go by.


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