I'm so glad you found me! I'm a San Francisco photographer, and this blog charts my journey in the ever-evolving world of photography. One of the things I love about photography is that it's a journey, not a destination. I'm constantly learning and meeting wonderful people. Please peruse the blog to your heart's content, then check out my website and feel free to contact me! (I love hearing from you.)

“Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow." – Imogen Cunningham

“A portrait is not made in the camera but on either side of it.” – Edward Steichen

Lars - Sneak Peek

More photos of this cutie coming soon!

Some photos from a recent shoot . . . sneak peek!

More coming soon, I promise! I have so many great photography projects to share with you all, I just need to scrounge up the time to do it in!

A New Obsession

Or, well, not that new. A few months old, maybe. Rancho Gordo beans are delicious, easy to cook, varied, and also gorgeous! These ones are Lila beans, and uncooked they are a soft pale purple. Cooked they turn a light tan color, unfortunately, but at least they're quite tasty then! Or maybe I speak too soon, as they're simmering on my stove at the moment, giving off a lovely odor. I'll let you know.

If you've ever tried to cook dried beans from scratch and then given up, I urge you to try again with Rancho Gordo beans if you can find them. These days they're practically all I cook - a pot can feed us for half a week, including taking some for lunches. And we don't get sick of beans because there are so many different kinds and so many ways to cook them! (Or at least, I don't get sick of them. And Evan knows better than to complain.) My two favorite kinds so far: Good Mother Stallard and Ojo de Cabra.

Full disclosure: Rancho Gordo has no idea who I am and doesn't even care! They sent me some beans because I ordered them online like any other customer.


Constantly exploring, always sticking their noses where they have no business being. Can't live with 'em, certainly wouldn't want to live without 'em. How boring that would be!

Cats! Happy Caturday

Don't forget, you can always adopt them here!

A Spot of Green

I love finding these small juxtapositions of nature and man-made materials. Here to hoping that the green just keeps poking through!

A Fantastic Weekend - Now Back to Real Life

I just spent the most amazing weekend at a friend's bachelorette party. So amazing, in fact, that it's hard to get back into the groove of real life.

I love taking time, especially like that, with a group of great friends, wonderful, strong, interesting women especially. We spent a ton of time talking, laughing, eating and drinking, and also exercising! On Saturday we took a 7 mile (steep!) hike, and both mornings consisted of various people going running, doing yoga, and strength training exercises.

I won't lie, Monday and yesterday I was still amazingly sore (you know, when it hurts to cough?), but it was kind of nice. To have a physical reminder of time so well spent.

And I had such a great weekend that I only took these two pictures! Fortunately other people documented the craziness with iPhones and pocket cameras, but I was happy to just enjoy and absorb it all.

Fittingly, these flowers are forget-me-nots. But I'm not worried, I won't.


One of my favorite flowers.



Now if I just concentrate hard enough, I can definitely get this red bird on a stick . . . .


It must be spring when the strawberries return to the farmers' market.