I'm so glad you found me! I'm a San Francisco photographer, and this blog charts my journey in the ever-evolving world of photography. One of the things I love about photography is that it's a journey, not a destination. I'm constantly learning and meeting wonderful people. Please peruse the blog to your heart's content, then check out my website and feel free to contact me! (I love hearing from you.)

“Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow." – Imogen Cunningham

“A portrait is not made in the camera but on either side of it.” – Edward Steichen

It's the Most Wonderful Time . . .

I apologize if my title automatically makes that song run incessantly through your head. You might be comforted, however, to know that the same is happening to me. (Dah dah DAH dada dah dah dah DAH dada dah dah dah DAH DAH DAH DAAAAHHH!) Oh, sorry, where was I?

Ah yes, Christmas. A holiday I often have mixed feelings about, as it engenders a lot of useless stuff-giving. But my feelings towards it are a little warmer this year, for whatever reason. My list of presents to buy is not a mile long. And my list of things I want (which only includes camera gear, oops!) is not a priority. I'd be happy to just get together with people, eat some good food, drink some nice beverages, and not stress about it. I can honestly say that I can't remember the last time I was in a mall and I have no intentions of going to one before the year is over. Malls suck the life out of you, and that's an experience I can happily miss.

Eggnog and warm cookies, decorations and even Christmas carols? I'm there. I hope you will be too.

Mouse over to see the original.
I made this image over Thanksgiving with that lensiest of lenses, the 17mm TSE which I had to give back, sniff sniff. Don't you just love how the lines are all straight? It makes my heart glow.


  1. Yep Christmas, means Salads, cold meat cuts, tons of Prawns (Shrimp) plenty of cold amber fluid and trying to find some shade in the stiffling hot days. Don't you feel sorry for us? We Don't!

  2. Lovely image. I love the colours of Christmas. My camera just eats it all up!
    And I agree with you about the gifts and malls. Every thing I want is just to expensive for most peoples tastes! Probably mine too!

  3. That does look like a cool lens. You're right about the straight lines. Love this scene. That lamp on the left is the coolest!!!

  4. This is beautiful, and yes, those straight diagonal lines really add to this image. And that lamp really is a great conversation piece! P.S. Thanks for posting this on my blog.


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